Which Should You Do First: Cardio or Weights?

Reading Time: 3 minutes You’ve started a new fitness program, and this new program calls for both cardio and weight training. You don’t want to spend every day at the gym, so you decide to stack some of the weight and cardio workouts on the same days. If you are going to perform both in the same workout then…

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So, You Hate Your Workouts? Here’s How To Beat The Dread of Starting Them. [Podcast]

Reading Time: 2 minutes If you often find yourself procrastinating to start your workouts, to the point of not doing it at all, then this podcast is for you. In this episode I discuss a concept called “affective forecasting” – predicting our future emotional states as a result of participating in some future activity. As it turns out, we’re…

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Have Lofty Career Goals? Fitness Can Get You There Faster

Reading Time: 4 minutes Exercise is good for more than just improving your health and your waistline. In fact, regular exercise is what’s known as a “keystone habit,” meaning the benefits extend far beyond the physical ones. Exercise has been shown to improve mood and brain power too.1,2 In addition to the physical and mental benefits of exercise, did you…

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[Audio] Why You’re Hardwired To Avoid Change – And How To Fix It.

Reading Time: < 1 minute “Change is the only constant.” – Heraclitus Have you ever realized how hard it is to make better food choices and adopt a regular exercise routine? You aren’t alone. In order to effectively grow and reach your goals, you will have to adopt behaviors and do things you don’t normally do—much of which will be…

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Optimize Your Hormones For Better Weight Loss

Reading Time: 2 minutes Hormones play undeniably important roles in the daily functions of our body. However, poor diet and lack of exercise can alter the effects of these hormones, stealing the precious, beneficial effects we get from them. The good news is this: even though a bad diet and no exercise can negatively affect the function of hormones…

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[Podcast] Increase Motivation and Adherence With Morning Workouts

Reading Time: < 1 minute I was stuck in the car on the way to Toronto this past weekend, and with no service on my phone I thought what better way to spend my time then record some new content! Let me start by saying that any time you can complete your workouts is going to be beneficial. If you…

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[Podcast] The Most Important Skill You Need To Be Successful

Reading Time: < 1 minute I call it my “pseudo podcast,” another medium of providing you all with some great content. My hope for this project is to discuss mindset- and motivation-related topics in a very real, raw, and authentic manner. Tune in as I discuss the most important skill you need to possess, in order to be successful in…

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Benefits of Strength Training for Women

Reading Time: 4 minutes It is quite often that I meet with new female clients who express hesitation to begin a strength training routine, especially one that includes lifting heavy weights. Partially, this is a result of the commonly spread myth that lifting weights will make women “bulky” or “manly-looking.” Other times it is more out of a fear of…

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Chess, Not Checkers: Long-Term Thinkers Make Healthier Choices

Reading Time: 3 minutes We’re faced with a tough choice: To eat the cookie or not to eat the cookie. Part of us is aware that we shouldn’t because it is not conducive to our fitness goals, but another part just wants to taste the deliciousness and experience the enjoyment it brings us in the moment. Alas, you give…

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The Truth About Fad Diets

Reading Time: 4 minutes Why are fad diets so pervasive and appealing? How you can identify when you’re being sold on false promise? This article highlights the commonalities of many fad diets, and how to steer clear.

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